The Centennial Library Branch Library, a publicly funded and managed library and an affiliate of Albany County Public Library, serves almost 300 residents in Centennial, a small town 27-miles west of Laramie in Albany County, Wyoming. The Centennial Library Branch was officially opened to the public in 1979, though it boasted a library since the 1920's. The original Centennial Library Branch was a modest structure, formerly called The Goodie Shoppe, operated by Pat Self that was next to his Old Corral restaurant and served as the neighborhood's library. In 1993, it was decided that the library needed to have its own structure when the Old Corral changed ownership. It was then that the Centennial Library and Cultural Association (CLCA)was formed. The library depends on support from the CLCA, a nonprofit organization with the aim of offering the Centennial library services, cultural events, and spaces for community meetings. The Centennial Branch Library is housed in a building and grounds that CLCA maintains, pays for utilities, insurance, and snow removal, and offers volunteers to oversee library services, including book checkout and internet access.

Contact Centennial Library Branch Library


Physical Address:
25 2nd Street
PO Box 188
Centennial, Wyoming 82055-0216


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